Things are starting to move along again. Slow and steady wins the race, right? We have completed the application for the our new agency, St Mary's. We just have to get our signatures notarized and I will be able to send that out today. Once they receive that and get our application processed, they will send us an agreement to sign and then we can schedule our home study. I am also working on a release so that the paperwork we already sent to Hand in Hand can be sent to St Mary's. I am so glad we don't have to collect all of that again!
We are heading up this weekend to our first agency to complete our second training class. All international adoptions require a certain amount of training hours for the families. Adopting children can present some unique challenges and these classes help prepare and equip the parents. Our first agency provides classes that we can attend and if we still need more hours, our new agency provides online classes for those that are out of state. St Mary's is located in North Carolina. I would love to take a trip out to North Carolina if needed though!
We are warming up to the idea of adopting from Poland. I look forward to learning about the culture and people of Poland. I already heard they have good sausages...
Please pray that this process goes smoothly and that we can bring our daughter home soon. I look forward to the day when I can post her picture on here and all of this waiting will be worth it. Thanks again for coming on this journey with us!
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