Friday, December 21, 2012

Bump In The Road

This is Kevin and I (use your imagination...)
When we started this adoption process, I knew there would be bumps in the road, obstacles to overcome, even mountains to climb.  That's why I am calling this an adventure.  This isn't an adoption cruise or a day at the beach.  This is hills and valleys and never knowing what's around the next bend.  A trip down the Amazon River maybe, in a canoe, with one paddle.... I knew there would be issues that only Jesus could overcome.  I told Him at the beginning of this process that I was opening my hands to Him and to His will. If this was what he wanted us to do, then He would take care of us.
  I was reminded of this yesterday when I read on Fox News that the Russian government wants to ban all US adoptions of Russian children.  Instantly my heart dropped.  The US thinks that this is in retaliation for humanitarian sanctions levied by the US against Russia.  There are officials in Russia that are against this saying that it only punishes the orphans, but the lower house of Parliment passed the bill today.  The President has not said if he will sign it or not.  
  We had our hearts set on Russia.  Maybe this will be worked out and it won't affect us at all. I am praying that God will soften their hearts and let the orphans find their forever homes here in the states where they will be loved.  If this is God's will for us and hundreds of other families that want to love their children, then He will make a way.   Please pray with me that this is worked out for God's glory.
 If you want to read the story, you can find it here.

The good news for this week is that our passports came! They came faster than I expected!  Kevin and I can officially leave the country, we just don't know for sure now which country it will be.
I also obtained our local background checks.  I just need to send those copies and copies of our passports to the agency.  The only thing left is the psych evaluation in January. (I hope we pass!)  Then we move on to the home study.

Please join me in praying that the Russian government does not put a ban on US adoptions. 

Have a very Merry Christmas!


  1. Your child is just out there waiting for you. It's going to happen, Sandra!

  2. We worship a God of the impossible!
    Love, Mom & Dad
