We had our hearts set on Russia. We thought this was were God was leading us. But our clear path has now become very foggy. We are not sure where we go from here. We are still planning to adopt internationally, but now we are not sure if we are staying with our current agency or will have to find a different one. There are lots of questions and not many answers at this point.
I wish I had more of my husband's simple faith. He keeps telling me that God will take care of us and everything will work out just fine. He has even started talking to people about other countries that might be available to us that we had not even considered. He keeps me smiling and trying to look at the bright side of things. I hope one day we will be able to look back and this time and see how God was moving in our lives, but for now, I can only see a few feet in front of me.
Thanks for sticking with us and I will keep you updated as the journey continues. We wish you a very Happy New Year and we look forward to what God has in store for us in 2013.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11