Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Welcome to our Adoption Adventure

Even though this is the first blog entry, this is really the middle of our journey. We have been chasing the elusive dream of becoming parents for a while now. After many months and many doctor visits, we came to the conclusion that we would not be able to have a child in the conventional way. So our journey took a different direction. Instead of heading to the hospital delivery room, we are headed to Russia. We spent many months selecting an adoption agency and then selecting the country from which to adopt. Choosing Russia ending up being an easy choice for us since a few of Kevin’s relatives have been adopted from Russia. Even though adoption was not our first choice for expanding our family, we feel a strong sense that this is God’s will for our lives and we are looking forward to seeing God work throughout this experience.
We are now in the paperwork and more paperwork stage of our journey. If you are thinking of adopting, feel free to follow along with me. The paperwork, though, is going to have to be put on hold for a few days so that we can enjoys some turkey and stuffing and lots of family togetherness.


  1. How exciting! I look forward to hearing about all the wonderful things God has in store for your family.

    Amber (3rd Floor North REPRESENT!)

  2. Congrats on starting the adoption process!

    1. Thanks Rebekah! I've learned a lot from your blog!
