Friday, May 1, 2015

Poland Bound

   We leave in a few days! These last two weeks have been a flurry of packing, finalizing details, buying multiple plane tickets, and making apartments reservations. It has flown by.  I am trying to get 6 weeks worth of clothes, toys, and assorted other items into 3 suitcases. I am trying to condense everything to make traveling across Poland a little easier.  We will be in Wroclaw for a few weeks and then off to Warsaw to finalize passports and immigration details for the boys. 
   We are very excited to see them and are praying that this transition goes smoothly.  I don't know how well the boys are prepared for this.  I'm not sure that anything can prepare them for the upheaval in their lives. We know that this is the best thing for them, but it will be a traumatic shift for them.  Please pray for all of us as we charter this unfamiliar territory.  We know that God will work everything for the good according to His will.  We are excited to see how God will work though this process!  Thanks again for all of your prayers and support.   I will try to keep you updated from Poland and will post pictures of their cute little faces when I'm able.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Wait is Over!

    We got the call!  We're going to Poland to bring our boys home!  Thanks to everyone who has prayed for us and supported us during this time. The wait has been the hardest thing we have ever had to endure.  We are so excited to be finally making the trip to get our family.  This process has taken 2-1/2 years.  We thank God for His hand in the process and the way He has sustained us through this. 
    We will be in Poland the first of May.  We don't have any specific details yet.  We have a lot of things to figure out first.  Our awesome house and dog sitter is already set up.  Suit cases have been packed.  Toys are ready to be played with.  We are so excited to be going!
    This time in Poland with the boys will be wonderful and extremely difficult all at the same time.  We know there will be challenges with the language and the boys will be scared and confused for a while.  We will need constant patience and prayer.  I will post more details as we know more! 

I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
John 14:18